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    Property investment

    Here we do purchase real estate properties to earn some returns from them which is through rental in ....
    Motgage financing- Pendin ....

    This is arranged for  our clents from top financial banks in Uganda.We negotiate the best inter ....
    Property agency

    Kameruka property consultants is the leading services firm operating in uganda with over 5years expe ....
    Property management

    Duration varies and price varies. Kameruka property consultants employing the highest level of prof ....
    Property development

    Here we do  a wide range of activities like purching land and developing high rise apartment bu ....
    Property consultancy

    We do offer property consultation services at affordable costs.Valutaion and real estate investment ....



    100+ Residential plots for sale in Kira Wakiso
    99 Residential plots for sale in Namugongo Wakiso
    94 Residential plots for sale in Gayaza Wakiso
    62 Bungalows for sale in Kira Wakiso
    44 Residential plots for sale in Matugga Wakiso
    39 Residential plots for sale in Sonde Wakiso
    33 Bungalows for sale in Namugongo Wakiso
    25 Storyed houses for sale in Kira Wakiso
    24 Residential plots for sale in Najjera Wakiso
    22 Bungalows for sale in Gayaza Wakiso
    20 Residential plots for sale in Kyanja Kampala
    19 Residential plots for sale in Matugga Kampala
    18 Residential plots for sale in Kyaliwajjala Wakiso
    16 Residential plots for sale in Kyanja Wakiso
    16 Bungalows for sale in Matugga Wakiso
    15 Storyed houses for sale in Munyonyo Kampala
    11 Rental units for sale in Namugongo Wakiso
    11 Residential plots for sale in Seeta Mukono
    11 Apartment blocks for sale in Kira Wakiso
    10 Rental units for sale in Kira Wakiso
    10 Residential plots for sale in Kakiri Wakiso
    10 Residential plots for sale in Ziloobwe Luweero
    9 Shell houses for sale in Namugongo Wakiso
    9 Bungalows for sale in Nansana Kampala
    9 Bungalows for sale in Najjera Wakiso
    9 Residential plots for sale in Nakweelo Wakiso
    9 Bungalows for sale in Kisaasi Kampala
    9 Storyed houses for sale in Kyanja Wakiso
    About us
    Here we do  a wide range of activities like purching land and developing high rise apartment buiding and everything in between them and these include:
    We buy land and build property on it.
    We do Convert property from one use type to another.
    We do renvate,extend and improve property

    Contact us
    Address: Kyaliwajjala.

    Location: Kyaliwajjala town - next to Afro club - room number 9.

    City: Kampala (Uganda).

    Phone: +256 702 225605

    Phone: +256 702 805935

    Phone: +256 770 829865




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